Wednesday, July 27, 2011

5 Ways to Get Back Into Running | RunAddicts

5 Ways to Get Back Into Running | RunAddicts: "Every runner encounters at some point in their running life a time when they have to stop running. Sometimes, its an injury, or life’s responsibilities getting in the way. Regardless, getting back into running from a hiatus can be very difficult."

5 Long Distance Running Tips for Beginners | RunAddicts

5 Long Distance Running Tips for Beginners | RunAddicts: "Long distance running is a very challenging thing to take up. Most successful long distance runners have a real passion for training and are mentally able to push through physical discomfort to hit their mile goals. If you think you have what it takes to become one of these elite runners, these long distance running tips for beginners will help you get started."

How to Avoid Hitting the Marathon Wall | RunAddicts

How to Avoid Hitting the Marathon Wall | RunAddicts: "The marathon wall feels exactly like it sounds. You physically hit a wall that leads to so much pain and agony that it threatens to knock you to the ground and stop you in your tracks. The problem is the wall is inside your body and your mind."

The Runner's World 8-Week Beginning Runner's Training Program

The Runner's World 8-Week Beginning Runner's Training Program: "1. If you are over 40, not accustomed to any exercise, or more than 20 pounds overweight, consult with your physician. Unless you have a known health risk, your doctor will probably encourage you to begin a run-walk program, but it's always wise to check."