Wednesday, April 27, 2011

3 Ways to Make 2011 Your Best Year Ever | Running in the Family

3 Ways to Make 2011 Your Best Year Ever | Running in the Family: "Jason Fitzger­ald (or Fitz) is the founder of Strength Run­ning, a 2:44 marathoner, and online run­ning coach. He loves spend­ing time on the trails, plot­ting his next train­ing cycle, strong cof­fee, and cycling. Strength Run­ning unleashes Fitz’s pas­sion for help­ing run­ners achieve their best and pre­vent run­ning injuries. You can fol­low Fitz on Twit­ter at @JasonFitz1."

Running and Rambling: Things Fall Apart

Running and Rambling: Things Fall Apart: "Since my previous post demonstrated – quite forcefully, as it happened – one of the drawbacks of minimalist footwear, this seems like a good time to throw together a collection of photos that address some other shortcomings of my most heavily-used trail runners over the past several weeks."