Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dean Karnazes: Running Across the U.S. | Dreams in Action

Dean Karnazes: Running Across the U.S. | Dreams in Action: "Dean Karnazes is expected to go farther than he ever has before. At the end of last month, he set off on a nearly 3,000-mile run across the United States, starting at Disneyland in Anaheim and looking to finish in New York in about 75 days."

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Sweat Science » The priming effect: how a hard warm-up can help performance

Sweat Science » The priming effect: how a hard warm-up can help performance: "Most people who do hard interval sessions will have noticed this mystery: why does the second or third interval usually feel easier than the first one? I always figured it had to do with “getting into the rhythm” or something along those lines."

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America, You're Exercising Wrong - That's Fit

America, You're Exercising Wrong - That's Fit: "Dr. Al Sears, a medical doctor, nutritionist and leading thinker in the field of integrative health, believes that the key to effective exercise for weight loss and overall health is not duration, but intensity. He thinks the long, slow constant speed aerobics that we've all been trained to believe is so good for us is exactly the wrong thing for us to be doing."

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