Sunday, August 21, 2011

Running Barefoot: Heel Striking & Running Shoes

Running Barefoot: Heel Striking & Running Shoes: Approximately 75% of shod runners heel strike (Hasegawa et al., 2007). While we do not know the definitive reasons why the majority of shod runners heel strike, we propose several potential explanations:

Training for Your First Half Marathon

Training for Your First Half Marathon: The biggest question most first time half marathon runners face when they look in the mirror is, “Can I do it?” Let's answer that right now. Yes, you can. Absolutely. There are a bevy of training programs out there to ensure you are well prepared-mentally and physically-for race day.

7 Training Ideas That Changed My Running Forever

7 Training Ideas That Changed My Running Forever: Over the last 13 years of competitive running in high school, college, and beyond, I’ve picked up certain training strategies that I’ve incorporated into my current training. Some of these training principles are well-known while others are less common.