Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Running ‘Round the World | Wend Blog

Running ‘Round the World | Wend Blog: "Running is one of those things that sounds miserable on a cold, dark morning but is actually really great once you get your butt out of bed and go do it. For one, there’s something about how the air feels in the lungs and the power pulsing through your legs to keep your body propelling forward that is fantastic and uplifting."

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UltRunR - So You Want to Run Ultra's

UltRunR - So You Want to Run Ultra's: "I've been in ultrarunning now for 9 years, which is pretty much mid-pack in terms of longevity. There are a few things I would say in my experience as a runner and coach of ultrarunners that are true for MOST runners:"

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Inspire to Run

Inspire to Run: "I run for many reasons, many of which I rarely give thought to at this point in my life as a runner. One of the reasons to run that I take frequently take for granted is weight control. I love food and if I did not run, there is a decent chance that I would be overweight as a result of that love. Running allows me to eat whatever I want and as number of miles I run increase, food becomes more necessary than ever to keep my weight and energy up."

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